We are facing death on a daily basis and it is painful. 2020 will be remembered as the year when “normal living” collapsed due to the world wide facing the Pandemic of COVID-19. We hear phrases such as “can we return to normal?” We do not know what normal means.
Institute presenter and community elder, Rosa Tupina Yaotonalcuauhtli, LCSW will address how our Indigenous population (all of us who are claiming indigeneity) is being affected by death. She will explore how our ancestors from Mexico honored death and the syncretism of “day of the dead”. She will identify our own acculturation and assimilation about death and share stories of our people. We will discover how as psychotherapists we engage in therapy interfering behaviors as we try to understand what “luto” (grief) means to our gente.
We invite you to bring out your pictures of your deceased ones and your own stories. Time is limited but we will encourage as much sharing as possible.
Let’s honor death! Let’s honor “La huesuda”!